472 research outputs found

    Suspending Lefschetz fibrations, with an application to Local Mirror Symmetry

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    We consider the suspension operation on Lefschetz fibrations, which takes p(x) to p(x)-y^2. This leaves the Fukaya category of the fibration invariant, and changes the category of the fibre (or more precisely, the subcategory consisting of a basis of vanishing cycles) in a specific way. As an application, we prove part of Homological Mirror Symmetry for the total spaces of canonical bundles over toric del Pezzo surfaces.Comment: v2: slightly expanded expositio

    Contour Detection and Completion for Inpainting and Segmentation Based on Topological Gradient and Fast Marching Algorithms

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    We combine in this paper the topological gradient, which is a powerful method for edge detection in image processing, and a variant of the minimal path method in order to find connected contours. The topological gradient provides a more global analysis of the image than the standard gradient and identifies the main edges of an image. Several image processing problems (e.g., inpainting and segmentation) require continuous contours. For this purpose, we consider the fast marching algorithm in order to find minimal paths in the topological gradient image. This coupled algorithm quickly provides accurate and connected contours. We present then two numerical applications, to image inpainting and segmentation, of this hybrid algorithm

    Special lagrangian fibrations on flag variety F3F^3

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    One constructs lagrangian fibrations on the flag variety F3F^3 and proves that the fibrations are special.Comment: 19 page

    Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves and Triangulated Categories of Singularities

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    In this paper we establish an equivalence between the category of graded D-branes of type B in Landau-Ginzburg models with homogeneous superpotential W and the triangulated category of singularities of the fiber of W over zero. The main result is a theorem that shows that the graded triangulated category of singularities of the cone over a projective variety is connected via a fully faithful functor to the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on the base of the cone. This implies that the category of graded D-branes of type B in Landau-Ginzburg models with homogeneous superpotential W is connected via a fully faithful functor to the derived category of coherent sheaves on the projective variety defined by the equation W=0.Comment: 26 pp., LaTe

    A beginner's introduction to Fukaya categories

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    The goal of these notes is to give a short introduction to Fukaya categories and some of their applications. The first half of the text is devoted to a brief review of Lagrangian Floer (co)homology and product structures. Then we introduce the Fukaya category (informally and without a lot of the necessary technical detail), and briefly discuss algebraic concepts such as exact triangles and generators. Finally, we mention wrapped Fukaya categories and outline a few applications to symplectic topology, mirror symmetry and low-dimensional topology. This text is based on a series of lectures given at a Summer School on Contact and Symplectic Topology at Universit\'e de Nantes in June 2011.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figure

    Brieskorn manifolds as contact branched covers of spheres

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    We show that Brieskorn manifolds with their standard contact structures are contact branched coverings of spheres. This covering maps a contact open book decomposition of the Brieskorn manifold onto a Milnor open book of the sphere.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Data assimilation experiments using diffusive back-and-forth nudging for the NEMO ocean model

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    International audienceThe diffusive back-and-forth nudging (DBFN) is an easy-to-implement iterative data assimilation method based on the well-known nudging method. It consists of a sequence of forward and backward model integrations, within a given time window, both of them using a feedback term to the observations. Therefore, in the DBFN, the nudging asymptotic behaviour is translated into an infinite number of iterations within a bounded time domain. In this method, the backward integration is carried out thanks to what is called backward model, which is basically the forward model with reversed time step sign. To maintain numeral stability, the diffusion terms also have their sign reversed, giving a dif-fusive character to the algorithm. In this article the DBFN performance to control a primitive equation ocean model is investigated. In this kind of model non-resolved scales are modelled by diffusion operators which dissipate energy that cascade from large to small scales. Thus, in this article, the DBFN approximations and their consequences for the data assimilation system setup are analysed. Our main result is that the DBFN may provide results which are comparable to those produced by a 4Dvar implementation with a much simpler implementation and a shorter CPU time for convergence. The conducted sensitivity tests show that the 4Dvar profits of long assimilation windows to propagate surface information downwards, and that for the DBFN, it is worth using short assimilation windows to reduce the impact of diffusion-induced errors. Moreover, the DBFN is less sensitive to the first guess than the 4Dvar

    Symplectic cohomology and q-intersection numbers

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    Given a symplectic cohomology class of degree 1, we define the notion of an equivariant Lagrangian submanifold. The Floer cohomology of equivariant Lagrangian submanifolds has a natural endomorphism, which induces a grading by generalized eigenspaces. Taking Euler characteristics with respect to the induced grading yields a deformation of the intersection number. Dehn twists act naturally on equivariant Lagrangians. Cotangent bundles and Lefschetz fibrations give fully computable examples. A key step in computations is to impose the "dilation" condition stipulating that the BV operator applied to the symplectic cohomology class gives the identity. Equivariant Lagrangians mirror equivariant objects of the derived category of coherent sheaves.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, expanded introduction, added details of example 7.5, added discussion of sign
